20170310 diary




昨儿晚上课,碰上一个很风趣的老师,一个爱读书不看电视的老师,尽管我们的话题是television talk shows.. He gave me interesting informations about every single topic. I think he gave me both easy mood and knowledge. The two most funny things he said is - 

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were interesting people in terms of enormously intelligence and creative, but they had very little human skills. They couldn't really speak to people. So I've seen interviews with Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, and I think half way through the conversation the interviewing is speaking what are they speaking about. So they are tremendously intelligence but they don't always know how to speak to people normally. So that could be a problem. ^0^ 这是第一件逗事儿,真是笑死我了。看来人无完人可以针对任何一个人是没错的~We all have our problems and things to deal with. 可是还有笑点—

You will find that when you start a relationship with someone that can be very charming, they listen to every word that you have to say, they will open the car door, they bring you flowers, they will tell you how wonderful you are at least once every five minutes. Charming~ And then, you get married, and it all goes away~ ... You know I often say to my wife when we first met, I used to say oh lying next to me so that I can hold you close~ And now I have to yell stay on your side of the bed. It's hot! Hahaha.. So now in summer please stay on your side of the bed or you are blocking the air-conditioning, you are trying to kill me~So, yes, The charming is always happened at the begining of the relationship. It's always wonderful~ 哈哈,这老师逗死我了~不过他讲的也是事实,很多婚姻都把爱情埋葬了,这就是我想看看赖佩霞老师的《亲密关系》的原因吧,能把爱情转化成亲密关系是需要智慧的,不动脑子任其发展必然会让爱被婚姻埋葬的。或许这便是所谓爱商LQ。


